widget Аудиогид

Reservation of rooms


Two guests
+ Add child

Check in date

22 September

Departure date

25 September


Two guests
+ Add child
23 September
25 September

Our team

We understand that any useful initiatives depend on the activity of people. It is important for us to talk to each employee and develop their eco-thinking. Eco-initiatives should be organically integrated into the workflow, do not feel like an additional burden, but become a useful habit. We try to take care of all types of resources, and the human resource is no exception.

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Trainings and consultations

By organizing trainings and consultations, we explain the environmental mission, and often notice understanding among new employees. Seeing our approach and sharing it in practice, many workers begin to sort garbage at home, refuse to use plastic, switch to an economical paper consumption, and use electricity and water wisely. It is impossible to be an eco-hotel just because the lights were turned off for one hour on Earth Day or an additional number of live plants were planted. This is a complex, systematic and daily work that not only brings instant satisfaction, but also helps to realize our contribution to an environmentally friendly future.

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Since 2020, eco-activists and managers of sustainable development have been regularly conducting trainings for the Kazan Palace by the TASIGO team. Taking into account the specifics of the Russian consumption model, revaluation should be carried out regularly. By holding general meetings and arranging discussions, employees express their suggestions on the introduction of new ideas, the implementation of which can improve the work of the company. The owners of the most successful initiatives always receive pleasant bonuses.

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Joint trips and subbotniks (clean-up days)

Any activity, whether it's a subbotnik (clean-up day) or a trip to a shelter for stray animals, is carried out jointly: management with staff, which allows them to find common interests and develop corporate volunteering.

To help colleagues develop eco habits outside the workplace, we have organized an eco shelving for staff. Here we accept rare fractions that are difficult to hand over to city garbage collection points, such as water filters, pens, toothbrushes, plastic cards. We also launched a swap of things, which turned out to be very popular among the team – from the director to the maids. The exchange consists in the fact that each employee can bring an unnecessary thing in any condition, put the rags in a separate container, and leave the items in good condition on a special shelf. Anyone interested can pick up what he likes. We send the remaining items to charity. The most popular items are books, interior items, children's toys and clothing. You can often see beautiful dresses or even suits that instantly find new owners.

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The GreenTeam

The involvement of some of the most active employees led to the formation of the GreenTeam, which brought together eco-ambassadors of all departments. The GreenTeam meets twice a month and discusses the most urgent issues of sustainable tourism at the hotel, gives feedback, shares ideas and problems faced by employees. Together we select the most interesting proposals, appoint curators responsible for their implementation. The work of the GreenTeam has significantly accelerated the implementation of many ideas, as they become more viable, taking into account all the nuances of the workflow.