widget Аудиогид

Reservation of rooms


Two guests
+ Add child

Check in date

22 September

Departure date

25 September


Two guests
+ Add child
23 September
25 September

Water footprint

Water footprint is an important problem of environmental pollution. We work in two directions:

1. Minimization of water pollution and economical consumption of water coming directly to the hotel.

2. Saving and minimizing the water footprint of the products we purchase (that is, the potential preservation of water outside the hotel).

To control water consumption, TASIGO buildings are equipped with an innovative water supply and sewerage system: there are water measuring units for all groups of consumers, which are controlled by a leak elimination system.
The hot water system uses a circulation system that allows hot water to run directly into the tap, rather than wasting time on heating.

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Swimming pool water control

The swimming pool in the spa is equipped with special methods of water purification, which make it softer with minimal consumption. The water that enters the pool passes two stages of purification: de-ironing and softening. The computer analyzes the composition and automatically adjusts it. Pumps circulate water through filters throughout the day. Twice a week, the pool is cleaned with special equipment, which moves along the walls of the pool and removes sediments.

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The laundries use water- and energy-saving equipment, as well as laundry products with environmental certificates.

Chemicals for cleaning rooms also have certificates of environmental friendliness, their usage is controlled by a special program that records the consumption. Aerators for economical water usage are installed on all taps, toilets are equipped with dual flush.

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